Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 8 at Sponaugle Wellness Institute

                                                 Day 8- 8/7/13

Weight: 113
Height: 5'5
Pain level: 5

-11 AM: Testosterone cream + morning supplements

-Noon: Appointment with doctor Crozier and nurse Amy.

  • More test results came back and I also have Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. 
  • My testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen are now raised and at normal levels. 
  • My DHEA is high and is not turning into testosterone, instead it's turning into estriol(the bad estrogen that causes breast cancer). So this isn't good and they are giving me different supplements to fix this.
  • Took me off DHEA supplement and added a few more supplements to my treatment.
  • Prescribed Rilutek 50 mg to block the glutamate that will be released from pulling toxins and killing bugs (Herx heimer reaction). The glutamate causes over-electricity of brain and bad symptoms, this is what causes that herx reaction. 
-1:00 PM:  Healing IV Drip + detox IV drip (2 separate bags). The Healing drips  pulls out toxins from fatty tissues and myelin sheath. This is very important, or I can end up with MS and still have a lot of symptoms because of all the toxicities sitting in my brain and nerves. Since its pulling out toxins into my blood stream, I may feel pretty crappy tomorrow when I wake up.

-1-2:00 PM: After the Healing drip, I had to get my weekly brain chemistry and mold test, as well as blood work. Then I got my second bag, which is the detox IV drip.

I was moving my arm around that had the catheter in, when I had to go do my testing in between bags, so I think it wiggled out of place. So when I got my second bag of detox IV drips, I had this reaction around the area where the needle was. I was getting big white splotches and white hives/bumps on my arm. I have never had a reaction before to this bag and I have had these detox drips 7 times already with NO issues. The area the bumps and splotches were happening, it seemed the drip was getting into the vessels because the needle was out of place from moving around. So I guess next time, I'll need someone else to carry around my stuff for me when I go do the testing. They had to stop the IV though once they saw that reaction, so I didn't get my full treatment. So I have to take extra supplements today to detox, since I can't get the detox IV.

Symptoms        /  Worse, better, or same than yesterday?
Fatigue/exhausted- same
Vertigo- same
Chronic migraine (literally has never stopped for over a year now)- same
Brain fog- same
Nausea - same
Ear pressure/pain/crackling- same
Knees swollen (Lymph nodes)- same
Muscle pain (everywhere)- same
Joint pain (all of them)- same
Stomach + intestines very bloated, sick feeling, acidic- same
stiff painful neck- same
Insomnia- same
Racing thoughts (caused by over-electrified brain, high cortisol, low progesterone, etc)-better
Hallucinating colors (over-electrified brain)- same
Depression-  same
Anxiety- same

What I ate today:
Homemade green smoothie
turkey avocado lettuce wrap thing

Still having major problems with my stomach, difficult to eat.

Do I feel any improvement in general?
I'm feeling the same right now as yesterday.

I'm so exhausted. Today wasn't a very pleasant day. Two big IV bags, getting testing in between, and then getting that reaction on my arm. It's okay though. Glad to be home.

I'm glad the testing showed my hormones are up to normal ranges thanks to the estrogen patch and progesterone cream. My testosterone is still low though and part of that is because my DHEA won't turn into testosterone and instead its turning into estriol, which is the bad estrogen! He thinks this is due to the toxicity in my brain and fatty tissues, its blocking that process. He said pulling out those toxins out of my fatty tissues should help my migraines and nausea as well.

The new tests showed that I also have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and there is still Lyme present. So I have Lyme, possible babesia (my past tests did show positive antibodies), bartonella, rocky mountain spotted fever, protozoa rheumatica, and the tests found 4 other protozoas in my blood. They found biofilm in my blood too, which is what makes Lyme antibiotic resistant and also traps in other bacteria and mold. So once they start breaking down that biofilm with Vitamin C drips, tons of mold and other bacteria is going to explode into my blood stream.

My blood cells are all ratcheted and spiky, instead of round. It looks awful. This is from the black mold toxicity. Mold toxicity actually ratchets your blood cells like that, eats at the fatty tissues in your brain, and lowers your immune system.

I also have the MTHFR gene, which is basically a glitch in my genetics that make it so my body doesn't naturally detox or methylate very well. So it makes sense that my body is so toxic and why it can't fight off any of these diseases. Tests also showed that I am not producing the antibodies to fight off the Lyme.

I'm still deficient in all my amino acids and nutrients.

I'm exhausted and today wasn't the best, but I'm so excited right now. My lovely friend David, who I know on tumblr, sent me a mac mini with adapters, an apple keyboard, and a usb midi interface!! It feels like Christmas. He is a truly kind person to send me all of this. I still can't believe it. Gah <3.

Waiting room:

In the doctors office. They have all this amazing scientific information up on the wall. Shout out to my pops for driving me around in the rain:

Healing IV drip on the left. Detox IV drip on the right:

Urine labs in between my two IV bags.

Reaction on my arm with the second bag. You can't really see it in the pictures too well:

Time to rest!