Monday, July 21, 2014

My website filled with important and helpful information for the chronically ill is up!

My newest post: Learn how to work from home

I made a separate website specifically aimed to help others, spread knowledge related to chronic illness, and give a peaceful relaxing space for those who need it.

I already have a few posts up like, things that actually helped me heal my Leaky gut!

I'll be posting about all kinds of things from how to make your own healthy deodorant, how to make money at home, to science that can help us get better, to treatments that are helping me, and tons of other things. As the blog grows, I will get more opportunities to give you guys bigger and better things (maybe some giveaways because free stuff is awesome stuff :D).

It's going to be a mecca of information and resources about anything relating to Lyme and chronic illness, which encompasses a whole lot. So go check it out and sign up to stay updated on new posts and happenings!

I will leave this blog up as a resource for those who are curious about what the treatment is like at Sponaugle Wellness Institute and want to see what I went through there. That's actually why I started this little 'project' . So others can see what it's like and so my lovely donors knew what was going on with me. Since I couldn't find any good blogs about it when I originally was researching Sponaugle's; I figured I would provide that so people can see if it is an option for them.

Have a good one guys!