Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 86 at Sponaugle Wellness Instiute


10 AM: Colonics with Deborah at Wellness from Within

11:30 AM: Detox IV drip

BP : 112.0 / 83.0 mmHg
Pulse rate: 104.0 bpm

Symptoms        /  Worse, better, or same than yesterday?

Fatigue/exhausted- same
Vertigo- same
Chronic migraine (literally has never stopped for over a year now)- same
Brain fog- same
Nausea - same
Ear pressure/pain/crackling- same
Knees swollen (Lymph nodes)- same
Muscle pain (everywhere)- same
Joint pain (all of them)- same
Stomach + intestines very bloated, sick feeling, acidic- same
stiff painful neck- same
Insomnia- same
Racing thoughts (caused by over-electrified brain)-better
Hallucinating colors (over-electrified brain)- better
Depression-  same
Anxiety- same
When I stand up I black out and feel like I will faint (I've always had this and most likely from the babesia)- same
Weakness, can't stand for more than a few minutes, walking makes me out of breath (had this for a long time as well. Has come and gone in severity over 10 years)-same
Sore throat and raspy voice- same
Fever-like feelings- same
Light and noise sensitivity ( have had this for a long time): same

How are you feeling overall?
All my symptoms are here as you can see, but they are lessened. I'm still have problems sleeping though, so that makes me extra tired then I usually am. 


What I find really cool is that my symptoms always match up with the lab results. If I feel really tired, or really depressed, almost manic, or really nauseous. Then it always shows in the tests. My serotonin will be incredibly low (depression) or it will be VERY high (manic) and whenever I felt really nauseous, mold always shot up in my tests.

It just makes you feel less crazy when you feel a certain way and then the tests come back and the doctor can actually see with numbers why you were feeling that way.

I'm happy to feel improvement this week. That's how you have to take this type of thing. It's not as simple as, oh here we go,  now I'm getting better this is it. It's a matter of having just a good day and how many can i have and will the bad days lessen. So I'm having decent past few days!