Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day Four at Sponaugle Wellness Institute

                                                 Day Four- 8/1/13

Weight *now doing it when I first wake up*: 112
Height: 5'5

Pain level (1-10): 7

-Noon- Woke up and took morning supplements and testosterone cream.

-2 pm: Detox IV drip

  •  They take blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen levels before and after IV's

  •  They do weekly labs to see if levels are improving, if there is less toxicity, and if your body started to kill bugs on its own, since the detox drips will strengthen immune system. They also will change around what is in the detox bags or what you are given dependent on what your testing is saying and how you are responding.

  •  Each detox drip is tailored specifically to each patients biochemistry, nutrient and chemical deficiencies, and needs.

  •  Detox drips are given the first few weeks or so, to clear out toxins and calm the brain down, since most of our (patients) brains are over-electrified and over stimulated from toxins,excess glutamate, the various bacteria, and mold toxicity.

- Went to Raw Vegan Cafe across the street from the clinic and got some food. Isn't killing my stomach so that is neat.

-Woke up with killer migraine. I have chronic migraines anyway, but maybe worsened by progesterone pill? Has side effects that give head aches. I can't be sure though.

Symptoms        /  Worse, better, or same than yesterday?
Fatigue/exhausted- same
Vertigo- a little better
Chronic migraine (literally has never stopped for over a year now)- worse, way worse.
Brain fog- worse
Nausea - same
Ear pressure/pain/crackling- same
Knees swollen- worse
Muscle pain (everywhere)- same
Joint pain (all of them)- worse
Anxiety- same
Stomach very bloated, sick feeling, acidic- same
depressed- same
stiff painful neck- same
Insomnia- same
Racing thoughts (caused by over-electrified brain, high cortisol, low progesterone, etc)- same
Hallucinating colors (over-electrified brain)- same
Depression-  same
Anxiety- same

What I ate today:(diet is important in healing and a good indicator on how I'm feeling):
Celery with peanut butter
Half a pear
This veggie burger thing I got at the gluten free raw vegan Cafe

So better choices today, but still not eating enough! The vegan food didn't send me into full flare up, which is good. my stomach is still bloated, hurts, and feels sick. But not nearly as bad as with other food and not a full symptom flare up either. 

Do I feel any improvement in general?

No, I don't really. It's still only the fourth day so. My stomach feels a little better today though. My emotions and mentality feel calmer and better today. My neck, muscles, joints, and migraine is killing me though. I'm SO exhausted and fatigued too.


Today was a much easier day for me. I didn't have to get up as early, which is amazing for me because I have such hard time sleeping. I had no blood work either. So it was just IV drip, in and out. 

I talked to some nice people today while getting the IV drips. We all have such similar stories. One guy has almost the same exact story as me, even from the same area's and went to the same doctor. He said that all his levels are improving, so that's great to hear. That blood testing is showing actual improvement.

Now I'm just going to relax, I'm very tired today. 

In the waiting room, check out my sweet socks, or I call them calf blankets:

Daily assessment sheet: 

                                                                     I grew a beard: 

Slurp, slurp. Drink up veins:

Purple today:

Oh, I figured out I could do this today. So that's pretty cool: 
Delicious gluten free, raw vegan food: 

If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me at