Weight: 108
Height: 5'5
10 AM: Testosterone cream and I didn't take my supplements when I woke up because I vomited instead.
11: 30 AM: Detox Iv drip
2 PM: Appointment with Dr. Crozier and my nurse Amy
- What is neat about the center is that the doctors here also have Lyme and co-infections too. So a lot of times, they do IV's on themselves too. Its also cool because they understand what it's like and you know they put considerable care into the IV bags if they are getting it themselves.
- My hormones are still really low, so I was given another estrogen patch. It's a very tiny one, just to bump it up a bit. I also will now be taking my progesterone pill twice instead of once a day.
- My hormones are so low that I'm actually in menopause right now.
- Based on all the blood work, it appears I have a lot more Lyme and infectious disease problems than mold. But some mold is starting to come out and show its face. A lot of the mold is trapped in the biofilm right now, along with other toxins and diseases.
- My neuroepinephrine and glutamate is very high. This is what causes that over-electrified/stimulated brain. My neurological symptoms have definitely been worse 0.o. This does happen with the Alpha Lipoic Acid because its pulling out the toxins from the brain. I also already had high levels anyway.
- What scares me about these other treatment places and Lyme treatments is that they don't keep track of this brain chemistry like they do at Sponaugle's. So what happens a lot of the times and what I've been told by other people, is they see fellow patients start having seizures during treatment 0.o. This is because they aren't doing anything to keep the over-electricity down, which is released when you are killing bugs and busting biofilm.
They also changed the protocol a bit since I've been here, which is really cool. Its because they are always evolving and finding out better ways to heal us with these complex conditions. They use to do a week or two of detox and go into the kill drips. Now they are prolonging the detox time and doing a bunch of lipoic acid first. So they are more focused on detoxing, as well as protecting the brain and nervous system with the Alpha Lipoic acid IV drip. Their kill drips really do the job, so they are able to focus more on optimizing the brain and really cleaning you out so your body can do its job and raise the immune system as well.
Symptoms / Worse, better, or same than yesterday?
Fatigue/exhausted- same
Vertigo- same
Vertigo- same
Chronic migraine (literally has never stopped for over a year now)- same
Brain fog- same
Nausea - same
Ear pressure/pain/crackling- same
Knees swollen (Lymph nodes)- same
Muscle pain (everywhere)- same
Joint pain (all of them)- same
Stomach + intestines very bloated, sick feeling, acidic- same
stiff painful neck- same
Insomnia- same
Racing thoughts (caused by over-electrified brain, high cortisol, low progesterone, etc)-same
Hallucinating colors (over-electrified brain)- same
Depression- same
Anxiety- same
Brain fog- same
Nausea - same
Ear pressure/pain/crackling- same
Knees swollen (Lymph nodes)- same
Muscle pain (everywhere)- same
Joint pain (all of them)- same
Stomach + intestines very bloated, sick feeling, acidic- same
stiff painful neck- same
Insomnia- same
Racing thoughts (caused by over-electrified brain, high cortisol, low progesterone, etc)-same
Hallucinating colors (over-electrified brain)- same
Depression- same
Anxiety- same
When I stand up I black out and feel like I will faint (I've always had this and most likely from the babesia)- same
Sore throat and raspy voice
Fever-like feelings
Still feeling that flu, coughing, chest-cold virus thing. There IS something going around. So I caught that probably. Oh well. Hopefully by Monday it will have cleared up.
What I ate today:
Brown Rice
Soup with vegetables
Still having trouble eating. My stomach has been through a lot in the past (so much antibiotics) so I most likely have leaky gut syndrome. So this will take a while for it to really heal. The colonics have been helping though and I notice my reactions to food is a little less severe. So I'm just sticking to brown rice and soup because its really the only things that don't send me into a REALLY bad flare up, but of course I still get sick from it. At least its something though. I'm glad the detox bags are full of vitamins and amino acids though, or my poor cells would be totally starved by now. I am still losing weight though :/.
Do I feel any improvement in general?
I have been feeling very up and down. For a few hours or the first half of the day, I'll be feeling actually sort of decent. Then I'll just crash and feel terribly sick. Then it will go back up out of nowhere. To me this is pretty awesome because I never ever had that up and down. It was just either really, really cant get out of bed today sick, or really sick. That was as far as that went :P.
Today was a very silly day. It was so up and down. I wake up, try to eat some soup, and just puke it all out. Then I started to feel better. My dad helped the staff hang up this big picture board on the wall, which made me laugh. Very dad-like thing to do, he will always help people fix things.
I hung out with Michael who I met at the center and it was awesome to finally hang out with someone and have a friend who understands hah. We played around with these cool Thoth tarot cards based on Crowley's teachings. He showed me how to do some healing energy work, its called qigong. When you're healing your physical body, its important to also heal the spiritual/energy body as well. It was very nice to hang out with someone spiritually like-minded.
I also carried around a big plate of brown rice all day at the center. Which I just found amusing and it looked pretty silly. It's just really the only thing that is somewhat okay on my system and I was just picking at it the whole day. The best part is that Mary went to publix, found this frozen microwavable brown rice and cooked it in the microwave at the center. So that was also funny and very kind of her.
It was a strange little day. Lots of ups and downs.
Daily assessment:
I just carried this around from one room to the other and to the doctors office haha: