Wednesday, October 30, 2013

KILL PROTOCOL: Day 61 at Sponaugle Wellness Institute

Day 61- 10/22/13

10 AM: Colonic with Deobrah at Wellness from Within in Clearwater

11:30 AM: Triple kill IV drips

Symptoms        /  Worse, better, or same than yesterday?

Fatigue/exhausted- worse
Vertigo- worse
Chronic migraine (literally has never stopped for over a year now)- worse
Brain fog- worse
Nausea - worse
Ear pressure/pain/crackling- worse
Knees swollen (Lymph nodes)- worse
Muscle pain (everywhere)- worse
Joint pain (all of them)- worse
Stomach + intestines very bloated, sick feeling, acidic- worse
stiff painful neck- worse
Insomnia- worse
Racing thoughts (caused by over-electrified brain)-worse
Hallucinating colors (over-electrified brain)- worse
Depression-  worse
Anxiety- worse
When I stand up I black out and feel like I will faint (I've always had this and most likely from the babesia)- same
Weakness, can't stand for more than a few minutes, walking makes me out of breath (had this for a long time as well. Has come and gone in severity over 10 years)-worse
Sore throat and raspy voice- worse
Fever-like feelings- worse
Light and noise sensitivity ( have had this for a long time): worse
Entire body feels heated up, throat burning, head itchy and burning (from Vancomycin)

How do you feel generally?
Very sick and terrible because of the triple kill. Feel very over-electrified from high levels of glutamate.

The vancomycin has to drip at a very slow rate, so they put one of these dials on there: